August 14th is a huge day for me and my novel Devin Briar. SBNation has been absolutely the best, and has plastering Ads all over the place. Why I'm writing you is to ask a favor, well three favors actually. The first is that I hope you'll take the gamble and buy my book. It's available in paperback and e-book in any format you can imagine.
If you would like a Amazon paperback copy, go here!
Being a writer and editor at TST is something I truly love doing. While the other authors on the site have regular day jobs, I make my living off of writing. If Devin Briar is successful, I will not only be able to give the Yugo the paint job it longs for, but I'll actually be able to eat too. Not to mention the whole "roof over my head" thing.
So favor two is I'd really appreciate you taking the time to hit the "review" box when you buy the book. Just in case you didn't know, the five star rating will guarantee you long life, health, happiness, wealth and beer...Lots of beer! The 1 star rating is actually God's test to see who goes to hell. If you click on it, you're destined to spend an eternity in a fiery place with people like Hitler, The Son of Sam, Leona Helmsley, and DCRamFan (special ring of hell, where beer is just out of reach). So please throw a rating on my book. It means more than you know to my future as an author.
The third favor - I hope this isn't a favor too far - I need you to get the word out on my book any way you can. Whether using Twitter, Facebook or yelling out the window, this kind of first person "word of mouth" advertising is the most highly prized of all. This is the make or break kind of advertising I'm desperately in need of finding and have happen. Tell your softball team, bowling team, parole officer or wife... Tell anyone you can think of that'll let you within the 100 foot restraining order limits. If you do, I'll turn you on to a website that offers Lottery Insurance... No really...
So there they are - the three things I'd ask as a favor. I know you'll enjoy my novel, simply because it's funny and won't take up all that much gray matter when you read it. It's currently been nominated for the New Mexico Book Award, and my Mom says it's great. Just so you know, my Mom hates pretty much everything, and after she read Devin Briar, she actually remembered my name. Can't put a price on that, eh?
So buy like the wind. If you buy multiple copies, I'm told the story turns into a 3D movie with YOU as the primary character opposite ______ (insert hot co-star name here)
All the very best to you and yours,
ok brother my BIRTHDAY was yesterday and you didnt call.....breaking tradition. congrats on your book