Some of the fines I can easily understand. But the thing which kind of jumps out at me is the "down to the last dollar" amounts? Make contact with a game official: $27,562... What's the last $62, a way of making a player reeeealy think about what he's done as he fills out the check? Paying that last $37 for having a foreign substance on your uniform is for the cleaning bill, right?
Fighting and touching the men who throw penalty flags are the biggies at $55,125 for a second offense. The real bargain on the list is standing too close to a fight: $2,756. Ringside seats don't come cheap, but if a player must mill around a brawl - and many of them MUST - it will only cost them a few grand.
"Gang Signing"? My mind - being a titchy thing anyway - veered away from what this really means to an absurd image of a player being fined after being drafted by the "Eastside Whatevers", ect. He gathers with the gang at a tattoo parlor and has his new affiliation inked next to his barbed wire "tat", just below the picture of his Mom. Then he gets fined, and throws a party...
I can't help but wonder where all this fine money goes, not to mention just how much is gathered each year? Maybe it's a part of Rodger Goodell's bonus package, or donated to charity? Then again, is it a tax deduction for the fined player? Is his insurance carrier notified? Every time I get fined my insurance seems to go up, so it's only fair, right? When a player tries to get his child into a nice private school, will the principle whip out a fine sheet and read off his many violations? "I see here you "leg-whipped" a player in Philadelphia, and failed to attach your chin strap 17 times! Can we expect the same thing from young Buford, because that's not going to be tolerated here at the Wellington Academy preschool..."
What fines catch your eye? Let me hear about your thoughts on the NFL's "cash for bash" penalty system...
very well it your blog....Joker123 Thank you for your blog.Thanks Again. Great.