Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week after Week -- #7

  • I'm overwhelmed by the number of great authors, agents and editors that have consented to do interviews next month. To those that couldn't accept, I'd like to thank you for your kindness for even considering my requests.
  • Nathan Bransford has left Curtis Brown Ltd. He will be missed by all, even though he will only be a CNET away.
  • Keith Richard's book is a bestseller... Mick is waiting for the movie
  • One of my favorite morning reads: The Rejectionist I bet the word "decaf" isn't spoken in their office.
  • I think Dr. Syntax should have a word with Kate Bernheimer  . Her, "My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me : Forty New Fairy Tales" is a compilation of fairy tales written by Neil Gaiman, Joyce Carol Oates, Kevin Brockmeier and host of other. Is it me, or is the title the best short... Gulp!... query letter of all time?
  • Did I mention I'm doing interviews... Oops! Top Secret guest list will be released November 30th and if you aren't even a little impressed with who is coming to The Novel Road... Well then, BALLS to ya!
  • Finally, Time magazine has a short memory, or a weak technology department, if they think that Amazon's Kindle is the #2 Gadget of ALL TIME!
  • *** Update- new Harlon Coban - Myron Bolitar due out March 22, 2011***  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Doug,

    Would it be alright if I emailed you about the interview thing? I have a couple of questions, if that's alright.

