Monday, November 1, 2010

Week after Week #6

  • Most authors think their genre's are competitive... HA! Check out January Magazine   and the number of cookbooks being published. JM is a great place for quick reviews, as well as interesting industry news.
  • Vertiginous - How I felt when I read about Tom McCarthy, Believer Magazine and The International Necronautical Society. Is this the birthplace of Steampunk?
  • Nice to see that "The Call" isn't a one-sided celebration. It's why Jessica Faust is one of the best in the business.
  • O'Reilly  (not that O'Reilly, this one has Radar) is fast becoming a favorite place for interesting incites.
  • It's November... we are talking leaves on the ground, cold wind a blowing in winter, sooooo... Here's a flower... Why? Because I'm the kind of guy that gives... errr, ok, I liked it and with all the politics about us, who can't use a flower...Have an epiphany on me! Flower courtesy of , check out her site when you get a moment, some cool picks.

  • Finally, a bit more NaNoWriMo (hopefully) advice from Jennifer Hubbard and a "For those that are  about to die at their keyboard from living on Pizza Pockets..." I Salute You!             

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