Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Interview with Peter Ginna Excerpt

 My interview with Peter Ginna, Publisher and Executive Editor for Bloomsbury Press, and Dr. Syntax blog, was OUTSTANDING! December 6

Me: Do you have a character, from a manuscript you have edited, that has left a mark on you?

Peter: Many, so I’ll pick one from a manuscript I’ve just published: Stephen Douglas, who lost the presidential election of 1860 to a dark-horse candidate named Abraham Lincoln. Douglas was on what we’d consider the “wrong” side of the slavery issue, and he had often acted from expediency and ambition. But when he knew he was about to lose the office he had coveted for his whole career, Douglas barnstormed the country trying to hold the Union together. He literally died trying to prevent the Civil War. The story is told in Douglas Egerton’s book YEAR OF METEORS, and I found it surprisingly moving...

Join me December 6th to read the rest of this remarkable interview

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